Southport State High School 100th Year Celebrations
June 17, 2016 - June 18, 2016
From chalk slates to iPads, Southport State High School has experienced many changes in the 100 years since it opened its doors for the first time. Over that time, generations of Gold Coast students have filled its halls as they enter as children and leave as adults.
Southport State High School started with only 32 students, some of whom traveled from Coolangatta and Coomera on the train each day, on its original Scarborough Street site. In March 1955, the campus was moved ‘up the hill’ to the corner of Smith Street and Brooke Avenue, where it now remains the home away from home for almost 1600 students and over 180 staff.
The past 100 years have seen many changes for the students, their families and the Gold Coast community. With iPads and internet conferences, Southport State High School is now at the cutting edge of education in Australia.
Southport State High School Principal, Nigel Hughes said the school has come a long way since those first days on Scarborough Street. “Not only do students complete work and submit assignments on the internet, but we also communicate with parents and the school community through text messages and Facebook,” he said. “Southport State High School has always been driven by improving the education of our students, and technology has played a big part in that.”
“The vision of its founders still resonates today in the school motto: Respice Finem, which translates to look to the end result, and reinforces the focus on achieving great outcomes for students.”
In addition to the technological advances, the school also offers a much wider curriculum, helping students to discover their talents, wherever they lay. “I wonder how the students from that first class would react if they saw our school today,” Principal Hughes said. “Today, Southport State High School is a leading innovator in education in Queensland. It offers Excellence Programs in Academia, The Creative Arts and Sports, and has recently become accredited as an International School. I am confident that our commitment to student excellence and support will ensure the school will still be helping young Queenslanders grow into adults for the next 100 years to come.”
Many events are in the planning to celebrate the 100th year, culminating in a Centenary Dinner on Saturday, 18 June 2016 in the Ballroom at Jupiters Hotel. Many successful and well known Australians appear on the list of past students and the school hopes to attract as many Alumni as possible to join the celebrations. The school will also be holding an open day at the school on Friday, 17 June 2016, so if you are traveling, please make sure you are here for the Friday as well.
For more information about the Centenary Celebrations, past students and teachers should contact the Centenary Committee on centenary@southportshs.eq.edu.au
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